Tuesday 1 April 2014


Today we finished our first stage reading of the play. I felt the rehearsal did lack energy and drive in general yet personally i feel like i began to find Touchstone more.

My main challenge is to make sure i am able to say my difficult rifle lines with playfulness yet still highlighting inner messages . Also how i react to different characters is difficult as as the fool i don't have as simple of a social position as other characters.In my scene with Audrey and Oliver Martext i struggled as I love Audrey and love her simpleness yet at the same time i am playing with this and sometimes insulting her. I am also above Audrey in class so i mist note this and get the glance right whilst still being very playful and silly. Now I am more familiar with my lines having fun is more easy but I think i still really need to work with Audrey to get our relationship full of comedy as after all As You Like It is a comedy and the fool is central to this.

Though I found my first scene with Audrey a struggle , the next with William too was much easier. I feel like I established my social position more and was able to have more fun with my lines. Poking fun at William was especially interesting to work on , I felt like I really used my lines and the words given to me to impose comedy to the play whilst also developing my 'sassy' character. The scene defiantly needs more work on it to really create a light hearted humour. Yet I feel for the first time that I am beginning to actually go somewhere with my character. Another thing that helped this was actually using the set more effectively. Me and Audrey were placed on the climbing frame which gave another level to work on , thus keeping it fresh. As the play is long and complicated i think this is really important as I don't want the play to drag on. Adding to the importance is that my scenes are on the most part the light hearted comedy of the play , almost a break to the audience therefor having boring long scenes would defeat the purpose completely.

Tomorrow we will be doing a full run through to page 42 and i feel this will really help my create a journey for Touchstone , as I will be able to react to my different characters and find my lines and tone more effectively.

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