Wednesday 23 April 2014

nearing show, Building on physicality

As we are nearing the time of our performance our rehearsals have become more intense and more important to really engage in . I have become familiar with Touchstone as a character and now that my lines have learnt i am working on re-visiting Touchstone and looking at my character in a fresh way.
Movement in scenes and my physicality to others is really important. As Touchstone speaks in complicated rifles that not only bewilder the audience but also the other characters it is important that i communicate relationships to others through physicality. Also to make Touchstone a fun character and for the words to really come to life its important for me to experiment and keep Touchstone moving so that the words do not become flat. This has been hard without the actual climbing frame to fully experiment on , however i have tried to use the chairs and blocks more and have tried climbing on them. Also in my scene with William instead of sitting and talking to him i get up and will use the different levels of the climbing frame to show my heir achy to him and also to highlight my intelligence to his simple mind which is what is being said in the words shakespeare uses.

I think Touchstone is an adjile character therefor wouldn't really just stand still. I have found it a challenge to play enough with Touchstones movement. Partly due to trying to make sure i don't mess up the lines. Yet i think that in a way his physicality is as important as the words as otherwise they will sound wooden and recited. When the climbing frame is ready i want to take my physicality to the next level and swing on the frame and pop out of different little holes and really make comedy of my entrances and exits.

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