Tuesday 8 April 2014

Rehearsal process . Further character development.

Rehearsal today was a challenge. My particular struggle was my scene with corin. Our scene is a casual conversation yet Touchstones witty playful digs at Corin our then shut down my Corin. Due to the fact there is not much content to the conversation in regard to the rest of the play it was a struggle getting enough energy and fun into the scene . Also I had long witty paragraphs to say which was a struggle to tone correctly and keep enough energy whilst staying true to my character. I find it much easier to find Touchstones character when working with Audrey or Celia and Rosalind and I found it a struggle to really find Touchstone in this scene.

One way in which I am gong to work on getting this scene right is by looking at pitch , tone and pace within the riddles. Sometimes we found the lines were dragging on to long making the scene feel long and dry. Also it would help me to look more at touchstones characters details as I feel I know the general feel of Touchstone yet it is in the detail that I will be able to connect with Touchstone further and be able to find the comedy and fun rather than making the scene drag on.

Staging in our scene I feel could be played with further to create a more interesting atmosphere to a scene which is lacking in content. I felt we were both standing still and my physicality was quite wooden. Especially with Touchstone it is important that I play around with my physicality and make sure I use my whole body as his will not only strengthen my stage presence but also it will bring the difficult lines to life and give the play the comedy that Touchstone is meant to bring.

With more work on my lines I think I will be able to do this and find Touchstones details.

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